Doctors reveal 3 parts of “chicken” have a lot of fat. Eating them can’t help you lose weight , but many people still misunderstand.
Chicken is high in protein and is the first choice for many people who want to gain muscle and lose fat. However, doctors have warned that there are 3 parts that are very fatty and people who are losing weight should not eat them.
Dr. Cai Mingjie, a weight loss specialist, posted knowledge on the Facebook page蔡明劼醫師 健康.瘦身to explain why people who want to lose weight eat chicken breast. Because chicken breast is high in protein and low in fat, it helps you feel full without consuming too many calories, making it very suitable for weight loss.
However, many people who are trying to lose weight get bored with the same old chicken breast menu, so they turn to eating other parts of the chicken instead, not knowing that not all parts of the chicken are suitable for losing fat, especially chicken butt, chicken wings, and chicken feet.
The doctor warned that there are 3 parts of chicken that are high in fat and can easily make you fat: “chicken butt” , which is 90% fat, is like eating fatty meat, which is definitely not good for weight loss.
“Chicken wings” is the second fattest part, but it is the part that everyone loves. The fat content of chicken wings is about 60-70%, so you will get more fat than protein.
Lastly, “chicken feet” is about 50% fat, so those who are trying to lose weight should avoid it. Don’t claim that eating chicken feet is a way to increase collagen!