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Food sources high in beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a pigment found in yellow, orange, and red fruits and vegetables. But it can sometimes be found in other colored vegetables food as well. The fruits and vegetables that contain beta-carotene as a component include: The secret to cooking foods that contain beta-carotene is to cook

Food Sources of Omega-3.

Omega-3 are generally found in natural abundance in foods. or food that has added fatty acids. If you want to get enough omega-3 to meet your body’s needs. You should consume the following foods. Fish and seafood.  Fish and shellfish are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. Such as

Benefits of Brussels sprouts.

1 cup or 156 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 56 calories and only 0.8 grams of fat. Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants, such as vitamin C. 1 cup of cooked Brussels sprouts has 97 milligrams of vitamin C, helping to build Collagen Boosts immunity, nourishes eyesight and